
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Girl Without a Phone - a Rapunzel Story

  The girl without a phone a Rapunzel story is  brought to you by goldfish flavored blasted   crackers look what my mom packed  for me lettuce that's it there's   still dirt on it well at least it's fresh  it's from our garden just like Rapunzel what   the witch has a garden full of lettuce are  you saying my mom's a witch no no she just   makes bad sandwiches well my life is like a  fairy tale sometimes same like if you think   about it fairy tales are all around us you  just have to open your eyes you think yeah   like look Cassidy she's like Sleeping Beauty  oh oh that girl sneaking into the classroom   over there she's like goldy locks sneaking  into the Bears house and I'll look those two beauty and the Beast yeah I guess you're right  uh I can't eat this Oh you could share some of   my lunch I got pulled fish crackers flavor blasted  extreme chedda...

The Girl Without a Phone - A Cinderella Story

  Did you know that in The Princess and the  Frog she didn't actually kiss the frog?  Well of course she did. It turned into a prince after she threw it against a wall. Seriously?   According to Brothers Grimm. Some of these old fairy tales, they're not what we think  they are. Well, I like the Disney versions better you should be nice to everyone even  a frog. I'd like to throw him against the wall.  Sierra oh my gosh. What, he's so good-looking,   look at him. How does he get his hair like that?  Do you think it's soft? Probably, just like his  lips. Can you imagine kissing them that would be a fairy tale come true? Hang on, I'll text him  until it's my birthday. Oh wait, I don't have a phone. I'll do it, Brett what's up you're my  prince charming come to my birthday party I'd like you to give me a big fat sloppy cupcake.   what? I almost forgot I brought you a cupcake.  Oh, you're the best friend eve...